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Headquartered In Washington D.C.
10402 Vogel Place
Kensington MD 20895
EEO Enterprise, LLC
EEO Representation against any Agency, in any State.
Disciplinary Actions, Hostile Work Environment, Promotions, Reasonable Accomodations, FMLA, and more...
EEO Enterprise is here to represent you against the Agency. Our Representatives have handled hundreds of cases and fight for your rights and seek the maximum award available and best accomodations for your case.
Representation for Informal Counseling, Formal Investigation, and all stages of Administative Hearings.
Problems that can happen to Complainants who don't have Representation
Making the Complaint and Formal Investigation:
EEO Counslors and Mediator often try to talk you out of pursuing your case, tell you that you don't have a case, and may give you wrong information. Yes, it happens.
The EEO Counselor will ask for more and more time to conduct the informal counseling. The Agency wants to take as long as possible to wear you down and drop the case.
The EEO Investigator will give the Agency months to provide information and then give you only a few days to provide rebuttal.
After you tell the EEO Counselor your complaint, they will frame your complaint in the worst way for you, and in the best way for the Agency.
The Agency will "fragment" your complaint, breaking it down into many small issues and not combining them into one big hostile work environment complaint.
The Agency will wrongfully dismiss your case before the investigation hoping you will not properly file an appeal to make them investigate your claim.
The EEO Investigator will not conduct a complete investigation, and/or will let the Agency's witnesses provide incomplete or irrelevant answers.
What the Agencies do in the Administrative Hearing Process:
The Agency is going to try to scare you, saying that you have give them a ridiculous amount of information and try to make you feel overwhelmed so you will drop your case. They are betting that you do not know the limits of what you actually have to provide, and will not know the proper way to object.
The Agency will object to all of your discovery requests because you may not know the proper way to phrase your requests for information and documents. And you may not file a Motion to Compel within the very short time frame so they will never have to give you the evidence you need for your case.
They Agency will file motions again hoping you do not know how to properly respond. The Agency tries to get the case dismissed before you get to appear in person before the EEOC Administrative Judge.
EEO Enterprise LLC is a private legal service firm offering affordable, experienced non-attorney representation to Federal Employees filing an EEO or MSPB Complaint. We represent Federal Employees against any Agency in any location, even overseas. Whether you are at Informal Counseling, Mediation, Formal Investigation, or Administrative Hearing, contact us for a free consultation.
Our Representaives have represented employees against:
USPS - United States Postal Service
VA - Veterans Administration
TSA - Transportation Security Administration
DOJ - Dept. Of Justice
USA - United States Army
USAF -United States Air Force
IRS - Internal Revenue Service
BOP - Bureau of Prisons
DHS - Dept. of Homeland Security
DOA - Dept of Agriculture
DOI - Dept of Interior
DOD - Dept of Defense
ATF - Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms
DOT - Dept of Transportation
DOC - Dept of Commerce
and more...